- Cold Water System
- Hits: 1852
There easiest way to identified quality pipes are thru the standart testing equipment in lab. But, What about if you donot have one?
There are actualy some other ways we can still distingush quality pipe from few simple steps below:
1. Measurement
a. Measure the wall thickness
Check whether the specified wall thickness is reach. The thichness is take by averaging off several measurement around its edge.
b. Measure the length
Check whether the specified length has been reached, some manufacturers rely on shortening the length to reduce the price.
2. Appearance
a. look at the pipe outer and inner appreance
good glossy surface and oily looking pipe is usually a better quality product.
b. look at the color
Looking for pipe with even color througout the pipe. Pipe contain with lots of miscellaneous materials, recyled materials with make pipe more yellowish in color. Thus some manufacture will prefer using darker dye to cover it. Eg. Grey color pipe will look darkerer and White UPVC will feel consist more bluish.
3. Weight
Weigh two pipes of the same diameter, wall thickness and length. The heavier pipe might have more calcium powder and impurities. The excess calcium and impurity addictive will cause less strength of pipe wall. The weaker wall will leads to leakage when pressure are beyond the wall strength.
4. Forcing Pipe to Change Shape
Step foot over the side of the pipe and cause the pipe to change shape. Over the Strenght needed to change its shape. The quality pipe usually not easy flatten and will not break. But, some low quality pipe do break which cause by excess miscellaneous materials beside pvc inside the pipe.